
Census for Joseph L. Hess, 1880
Census for Joseph L. Hess, 1880

This section is where you can quickly find information about both what is on this website, but also on the internet for genealogy and more on family origin locations.

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Family Media & Documents

Oral Histories & Memoirs

Some are recorded and some are transcribed. The information I have will take you to a shared Google Drive location. Please contact me if you have any trouble accessing these files.

Bob Horowitz talking about the Horowitzes and Benioffs and how they got here, at the Benioff Reunion-May 27, 2007 in Walnut Creek, CA.


Jewish Genealogy

These are resources for further research into Jewish Genealogy. These are just a few samples; there are hundreds and hundreds available.



  • SFBAJGS (San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Genealogy Society – including other societies for most US cities)

Swedish Genealogy


  • Routes Out of Russia by Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Philadelphia Russian Interest Group January 20, 2008

Family Tree Websites

Books, Articles, & More

Genealogy-obsessed Randy Schoenberg (portrayed by Ryan Reynolds in the 2015 hit independent film Woman in Gold starring Helen Mirren) drags his reluctant teenage son Joey on a journey of discovery through 500 years of family history, all the way back to the founders of the Jewish ghetto in Venice, Italy. Grandson of the famous composer Arnold Schoenberg, Randy is renowned for recovering Nazi-looted art, but his greatest achievement might just be reuniting the fractured and scattered shards of his own family.

In November 1940, days after the Nazis sealed 450,000 Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, a secret band of journalists, scholars, and community leaders decided to fight back. Led by historian Emanuel Ringelblum and known by the code name Oyneg Shabes, this clandestine group vowed to defeat Nazi lies and propaganda not with guns or fists but with the ultimate weapon: the truth. Watch the full movie on YouTube.

Seven young people today tell of their passion for Yiddish poetry written by authors who were about their age between the two world wars.