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In the comments, please let me know if you have additional photos, documents, stories, and anything you would like to share. With your help, I am looking forward to filling in the gaps in our understanding about our shared ancestors.

Feel free to ask questions about what you see here and make helpful suggestions and comments. Let me know in the comments if you are not sure which families you are descended from, and I will let you know.

Deborah Sharon Friedman

About Me

By Deborah Sharon Friedman

I have been working on my genealogy since about 1972 when my grandmother Alice Silverman Benioff gave me a large, nearly illegible, handwritten tree, xeroxed and taped together with yellowed Scotch Tape. I spent many years asking questions and putting together trees of different branches of my family. Later I joined Ancestry.com, and I now have a tree of the extended family with more than 6,000 people. If you would like access to this tree, please contact me and I can send you a link.

I have my DNA at Ancestry, 23 & Me, My Heritage, Family Tree DNA, and GedMatch. I have been able to find many family members in this way. I have also uncovered some mysteries, such as the fact that our Friedman family tree is linked to the Lurias. Please let me know if you have any questions about our DNA by filling out the form above.