Peske (Pauline) Levy (1880-1952)
Peske (Pauline) Levy Lipson (1880-1952)

Peske (Pauline) Levy Lipson

Peske or Peshke Levy was born in Drohitchin, Belarus, 1 Dec 1880 to Reb Shmuel Levy and Channa Ita Gratch and came to Jerusalem with her family when she was 8 years old. She was called “Chasha Peshe” by the family. She was probably married around 1900 to Isak Jacob Lipson. In 1912, Isak left for the United States where he settled in Minneapolis, working as a rabbi and as a butcher.  She raised her 4 daughters (Celia, Libe, Bella, and Syliva) and one son (Leo) in Jerusalem. She learned Spanish because many of her neighbors were Spanish speaking. In 1920 she traveled with her children and 5 other women whose husbands were in the U.S. They went to NYC, stayed there 2 weeks, then went to Minneapolis. Eventually, they moved to Los Angeles.  

Memories from her grandson Ephraim Friedman: She was short, stout and had the appearance of being strong physically and emotionally. She as the major disciplinarian of her children and was probably the more aggressive businessperson in the “Kosher Yatke”. She was very proud of her husband and his status as spiritual leader in the community. Her personality changed markedly after she suffered a stroke sometime after the second WW. It affected her gait, one arm and her speech. She became withdrawn and passive.

In 1944, she accompanied E.F. on his transcontinental journey to the Talmudical Academy of Yeshiva University in New York City (Washington Heights, Manhattan). They traveled coach on the Santa Fe Chief. Food consisted of pastries and lemon life-savers and fruit purchased at Harvey’s stands along the way. Trip took five days. She deposited E.F. with her sister (Esther Leah Wolman) in Brownsville, Brooklyn. Then took the train back by herself. She didn’t speak English, and E.F. didn’t speak Yiddish, but they each understood the other language.

She died on September 11, 1952, in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles and buried at the Sanhedria cemetery in Jerusalem. 

I invite you to send me any stories, memories, letters (even if untranslated), documents and photos concerning Peske (Pauline) Levy Lipson and I will add them to this website.

Historical Data

Levy-Lipson Ship Manifest May 5 1920
Levy-Lipson Ship Manifest May 5 1920

Ship manifest for May 5 1920, the ship Noordan, sailing from Boulogne Sur Mer to NY.

I want to take you through some of the mysteries that come to the surface. There are two families of interest on this manifest, 2 women traveling with their children: Sarah Levi and Peche (Pauline) Lipson. Peche is Libe Lipson’s mother, i.e. my great grandmother. Sarah Levi is her sister-in-law. 

Sarah Hinde Cohen married Peske Levy’s brother Zvi Arye Levy, and is traveling with 5 of her 7 daughters. One daughter Dina, who was born in 1905 may have died before 1920 and therefore was not present,  Naomi (Nachama) had not been born yet, she was born in New York about a year and a half after Sarah had been united with her husband Harris Zvi Levi.

Peche Levy Lipson was traveling with all of her 5 children: Simei (Celia), Libe, Bayle (Bella), Lebe (Leo) (although he is marked as female!), and Siria (Tsivia or Sylvia). 

You will note that in the case for both families they are traveling as US citizens. How was that accomplished? Pesche’s father and Sarah Hinda’s father-in-law, was Reb Shmuel Levy (he went by Simon Levi in the US) had arrived in the US in February of 1881 and was naturalized April 3 of 1893. But his children, all of whom were born in Jerusalem were not naturalized. So he did what he had to do…he claimed they were all born in Chicago. The story handed down to me was that the mayor of Chicago called for all those with birth records destroyed by the fire, to claim new ones. Supposedly that is why Shmuel did for all of his children. You can see on many documents that their birthplace was Chicago, rather than Jerusalem. 

Also look to the far right of the document and you can see who they were coming to stay with in the U.S. In Sarah’s case…she is coming to stay with her husband, Mr. Harris Levy, living at 623-27 Stone Ave in Brooklyn. In Pesche’s case she is going to her brother-in-law, Mr. A. Lipson 2035 Berger Street in Brooklyn. This was most likely because her husband, Isak J. Lipson was living in Minneapolis at the time. They would eventually join him there but were staying for a bit in New York with Isak’s brother Alex (Elias) Lipson.

1930 Census - Lipson Family in Los Angeles
1930 Census - Lipson Family in Los Angeles

The 1930 Federal Census showing the Lipson family living in Los Angeles at 2523 Fairmount Street.

The census says that Pauline was born in Illinois (not true, she was born in Drohitchin but her father Shmuel Levy had obtained a US birth certificate for her), that she was 50 years old and married and that she was 20 when she was married. It says that Isak was born in Palestine, but his parents were born in Russia, that his native language is Yiddish and that he was the Proprietor of a Poultry store. It says he came in 1913 and is naturalized speaks English and was 21 at time of marriage. Bella and Sylvia were born in Palestine, 22 and 17 years of age and single. Bella is working as a Secretary at a private school. Eva and Celia are not here because they are married and living elsewhere. But where is Leo?…he would have been 21…maybe in school?

Death Certificate for Peshe Levy Lipson - 1952
Death Certificate for Peshe Levy Lipson - 1952

Transcription of Peshe’s Death Certificate

State of California
Certification of Vital Record
County of Los Angeles-Registrar-Recorder/ County Clerk

Certificate of Death
State of California – Dept of Public Health Registartion District No. 1901 – Registrar’s Number 15246

  1. Name : Pauline Lipson
  2. Date: Sept, 11, 1952 – 8:50pm
  3. Sex: female
  4. Color or Race: cauc
  5. widowed
  6. Date of Birth – Dec. Unknown, 1880
  7. Age at last birthday – 71 years
  8. Occupation – housewife – at home
  9. Birthplace: Russia
  10. Citizen of what country: USA
  11. Father: Samuel Levy, Russia
  12. Mother – Chane Eta Gratz, Russia
  13. Name of present spouse –
  14. Armed Forces: no
  15. Social Security Number: none
  16. Informant – Leon Lipson
  17. Place of Death – Los Angeles, Los Angeles County- inside corporate limits – French Hospital at 531 W. College St. – Length of stay in this city – 27 years
  18. Last Residence – Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, inside Corporate limits, 230 N. Soto St.
  19. Physician’s or Coroner’s Certification – signed Peter A. Toben, MD 314 N. Soto St., Los Angeles – attended the deceased from 1939-Sept 11, 1952 and last saw the deceased alive on Sept. 11, 1952 – Date Signed – 9-12-52
  20. Burial, cremation or removal?: – entombment – 9/14/52-Beth Olam Mausoleum –
  21. signed ?H Mallard license No. 2460
  22. Funeral Director – Groman Mortuary, Los Angeles, Calif. sw
  23. Date received by local registrar Sep 13 1952 –
  24. signed ???
  25. Disease or condition directly leading to death – Cerebral Hemorrhage – approx interval between onset and death – 2 hrs – Antecedent Causes – Generalized Arteriosclerosis – approx interval between onset and death – 30 years
  26. Other significant conditions: none
  27. Date of Operation: none
  28. Autopsy: none
  29. Death due to external violence: no
Announcement of Death of Peshe Levy Lipson: Obituary Notice - about Mrs. Pesha Lipson, widow of Yitzhak Zesler and daughter of Shmuel Levi"
Announcement of Death of Peshe Levy Lipson: Obituary Notice - about Mrs. Pesha Lipson, widow of Yitzhak Zesler and daughter of Shmuel Levi"

Obituary Notice

Of Mrs. Pesha Lipson, widow of Yitzhak Zesler and daughter of Shmuel Levi – Her coffin will arrive to Jerusalem, today 05/11/1952, and the funeral will take place at 10 Am in Sanhedria cemetery”.

The mournful families: Fridlyn, Gryber, Goldstein, Ahituv, Levi, Vilman, Vilmovsky and her family abroad.

Grave of Peshe Levy Lipson - Sanhedria Cemetery
Grave of Peshe Levy Lipson - Sanhedria Cemetery

Translation of the inscription on Peshe’s grave (coming soon)

Note: Peshe could not be buried on the Mount of Olives with her husband Isak Jacob Lipson because she died after 1948 and there was no access to Mount of Olives until 1967.



Isak Jacob Lipson and Family

1880, Aug 6 – Birth of Isak Jacob Lipson in Zaslai (Sosle) near Wilno in Lithuania (ACTUALLY HE MAY HAVE BEEN BORN IN PALESTINE)

1886 – death of Isak’s father in Jerusalem (source is Libe Lipson’s oral memoir)

1900? – Marriage to Peske Levy in Jerusalem

1902 – Birth of daughter Celia Lipson (1901-1991)

1905 – Birth of daughter Libe (Eva) Lipson (1905-1977)

1906 – Death of Isak’s mother Beila (guessed due to naming of daughter Bella)

1906 – Birth of daughter Bella Lipson (1906-1963)

1909 – Birth of son Leib (Leo) Nathan Lipson (1909-1990)

1911 (not sure this is Isak) Passenger List “Finland antwerp to NY March 25 1911, Mr. Isac Lipson

1912 Hamburg Passenger List: Isak Lipson, from Jerusalem, 33 years, occupation: setzer, married

1912 NY Passenger List: Isak Lipson, SS Cincinnati, Bro Alex at 1760 Prospect Pl, Brooklyn (detained aliens)

1913 Border Crossing: Isak Lipson, friend Rabbi J. Papermaster, 676 4th, Grand Forks, ND, from Sosle, Wilna, 8/14/12 “Cinncinati”, from Jerusalem, wife Peshe

1914 Border Crossing: Isak Jacob Lipson, at Neche, ND, b Wilna, Uncle Joseph Shalit

1915 Border Crossing: Isak Jacob Lipson, at Neche, ND to 611 N 4th st, Minneapolis?, Uncle Joseph Shalit

1917 WWI Draft: Isak Jacob Lipson

1917 City Directory, Rev Isaac Lipson, 616 Fremont av, Minneapolis, MN

1918 WWI Draft: Isak Jacob Lipson, 512 Emerson No, Mpls, MN, age 39, dob, Aug 6th 1880, alien, subject of Russia, Rabbi, Hebrew Church, 896 Gerard ave. NO. Mpls, MN, Mrs. Pesha Lipson (wife)

1918 Alien Registration, Minnesota: Isak Jacob Lipson

1918 City Directory, Rev Isaac Lipson, 512 Emerson Av, Minneapolis, MN

1919 City Directory St. Paul, MN, Isaac J Lipson, meat cutter, 216 13th St.

1919 Minnesota Naturalization, 13 Dec 1919, Isak Jacob Lipson, became citizen, 512 Emerson Ave, NO, Minister, b 6 Aug 1879, Vilno Russia, emigrated to US from Hamburn, on 2 Aug 1912, arrived 14 Aug 1912, on the Cincinnati, wife Pese, born 9th June 1880 at Darhichin, Russia and now resides at Jerusalem, children, Sime, Nov 9 1903, Libe July 20 1905, Bayle Jan 12 1906, Nathan Mar 6, 1910, Zive Jan 12 1912 all born in Jerusalem. Witnesses Jacob Pall, butcher at 902 Emerson Ave. N and Israel N. Lowenthal, rabbi at 512 Emerson Ave N.

1920, May – Peshe Levy Lipson and the 5 children travel from Jerusalem to NY, met by R.Shmuel Levy, then travel by train to Minneapolis

1921 City Directory, Rev Isaac Lipson, 805 Bassett Pl, Minneapolis, MN

1922 City Directory, Rev Isaac Lipson, rabbi, 805 Bassett Pl, Minneapolis, MN

1925 Marriage License County of Los Angeles: Edward Levy, 26, of Turkey, Celia L. Lipson, of Turkey, 24, on 22 Nov 1925 in LA, witness Rabbi A. Edelson 2511 Cincinnati ST. and Lasar Deutsch 2708 Cincinnati, wedding conducted by Rabbi Isak Jacob Lipson; Edward Levy 419 N. Soto St. LA, upholsterer, f. Solomon Levy of Turkey and Yasha GAllcomb of Austria, to Celia L. Lipson 2729 Cincinnati St. LA, dressmaker, f. Isak J. Lipson of Turkey and m. Pauline Levy of Illinois.

1926 City Directory Minneapolis: Rev Isaac J Lipson, rabbi, Gamilais Chessed Synagogue r 867 Irving av N

1927 Marr License: Solman Friedman of Russia and Libe Lipson of Palestine, Sept 12, 1927, witness S. J. Davidson (712 Cornwell St.) and H. Singer, Rabbi S.M. Neches, Solman, 29 years, 218 So. Boyle Ave LA, dry goods merchant, f. Sol Friedman (must be a mistake as it should say Israel), m. Dina Chulman, both of Russia, and Libe Lipson 2728 Cincinnati St. LA, 22 years, of Jerusalem, Clerk, f. I.J. Lipson of Russia and Pauline Levy of Ill.

1930 Fed Census: Issac J Lipson, Los Angeles, CA, 2523 Fairmount St. (Pauline, Bella, Sylvia), birthplace Palestine, Pauline birthplace Illinois, Sylvia & Bella- Palestine

1930 CA Voter Reg: Isak Lipson, 2523 Fairmount St., Los Angeles, CA, butcher

1930 City Directory, Isaac Lipson, 2430 Bklyn av, LA, CA

1934 CA Voter Reg: Isak Jacob Lipson, 2523 Fairmount St., Los Angeles, CA

1934 Cert of Marr. Herzel Fraidlin of Russia 28 years, residing in LA and Bella Lipson 26 years of Palestine, residing CA, 17 June 1934, witness: Lazar Deutsch of LA and C Levy of LA, Isak performed ceremony

1934 Marr License: Leon Nathan Lipson of Palestine to Bertha Salter of Canada, 23 Dec 1934, Isak performed ceremony, witness Alexander Gratz 2517 Fairmount St. and Lazar Deutch of 2521 Fairmont, Leon Nathan Lipson, b. Jerusalem, traffic mgr wholesale grocery, f. Isaak Lipson of Jerusalem and Pauline Levy of Chcago Ill. and Bertha Salter of 2619 Gleason Av. LA, insuance underwriter, Frank Salter and Rachel Fiskin both of Russia.

1937 City Directory: Isaac Lipson, meats, (Pauline), 2421 Bklyn av h 2523 Fairmount, LA, CA

1937 SS Applications and Claims: Isak Jacob Lipson, f. Leon Lipson, m. Bella Kanestin

1938 CA Voter Reg: Isak Lipson, Rabbi, 2432 Cincinnati St.

1938 City Directory, Isaac J Lipson, 2421 Brklyn av, h 2523 Fairmount, LA, CA

1939- Cert of Marriage: Sylvia Lipson and Peter Toben, June 30, Pater Toben , 453 S. Soto LA, 35, single, 1st marriage, born Russia, .D. f.Sam Toben b Russia m. Ida Kosdofska b. Russia; Sylvia Lipson, 2432 Cincinnati St., LA, 26, 1st marriage, b. Palestine, Stenographer, f. Isak Jacob lipson b. Palestine & Pauline Levy born America (U.S.A.), witness is Alexander Gratz of 2517 Fiarmont St., Isak performed ceremony

1940- Fed Census: Issac Lipson, 2432 Cincinnati St, Los Angeles, CA (Pauline)-proprietor, butcher, meat market

1940 CA Voter Reg: Isak Lipson, rabbi, 2432 Cincinnati St., LA, CA

1942 WWII Draft: Isak Lipson2432 Cincinnati St, LA, CA, wife Pauline Lipson 2432 Cincinnati, 2421 Brooklyn Ave, LA, CA, age 63, place of birth Wilna, dob Aug 6, 1879, at top it says canceled, died 5/25/42

1942 CA Death Index: Isak Lipson….father: Leib Zasler, 25 May, Los Angeles

1942 SS Applications & Claims; Isak Jacob Lipson, b 6 Aug 1881, Willnom Soviet Union, f. Leon Lipson, m. Bella Kanestin, SSN 568165333

1942 Find A Grave: Yitzchak Lipson, b. unk d. 1942, Mount of Olives Cemetery, Jerusalem

F: No, we washed and we kept the clothes indoors. It didn’t rain too much. Just like here.

B: Did you have two tubs? One for washing and one for rinsing?

F: We had five tubs. One for boiling. It was like a kettle. One for washing; we washed them two times before we put it in the kettle. We’d wash them once and the other in clean water, then we’d boil it and we didn’t have any soda, so we used to make soda from ashes, and the coal. We used to have a big jar and we’d fill it up with water and this used to make very strong water instead of the powders we buy here. After we took it out of boiling, we’d wash it and rinse it in bluing.