Mortimer Alexander Benioff (1912-1974)
Mortimer Alexander Benioff (1912-1974)

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  1. Where did Mortimer attend medical school?
  2. Where did he get his undergraduate degree?

Mortimer Alexander Benioff

Mortimer Benioff was born in 1912 to Anna J. Chlebnikov and George Benioff. He was the brother of Ralph Benioff (1913-1929) and William Julian Benioff (1919-1968). He married Sophie Carolyn Prescott in 1938 in San Francisco and had a son in 1942 and a daughter in 1945.

Mortimer attended the University of California. At the California Medical Center in San Francisco, he was a clinical assistant in medicine. He received an AB degree and his MD.

His specialty was in diseases of the lung including tuberculosis. In 1968, Mortimer testified about smoke inhalation in a law suit brought by a woman whose husband died of lung cancer. His testimony helped to win the case bringing evidence that cancer-causing carcinogens like those found in cigarettes can also be found in the smoke from fires.

I invite you to send me any stories, memories, letters (even if untranslated), documents and photos concerning Mortimer Alexander Benioff and I will add them to this website.

Historical data

1940 US Census in San Francisco, CA, showing Mortimer Benioff living with his wife.
1940 US Census in San Francisco, CA, showing Mortimer Benioff living with his wife.
1920 US Census in San Francisco, CA, showing George H. Benioff living with his wife and children.
1920 US Census in San Francisco, CA, showing George H. Benioff living with his wife and children.