Lazarus Dinkelspiel was born in Michelfeld, Germany April 17, 1822, to Wolf Emanuel (Mendel) Dinkelspiel and Ricke Meyer. He had five siblings and six half siblings (the Zimmerns), but many of the latter did not survive infancy.
He came to the US at the age of 20 in 1842, sailing from Le Havre on the (?) to New York City. He may have attended school in New York or possibly New Hampshire (I have not found the details of this yet), and was naturalized at the Superior Court in NY on Sep 23, 1947.
Lazarus came to California in 1849, passing through Panama where, according to legend, he got shot in the leg. The legend passed down in the family was that he had a bracelet made of a nugget of gold and gave it to his bride-to-be, Pauline Hess, down in New Orleans. At some point a copy was made of the bracelet so that one could go to each of Pauline’s daughters. For several reasons this tale is problematic….but we maybe have the bracelet copy in the family.
He was a Wells-Fargo agent in around 1852 in Vallecito.
Lazarus and Pauline married in 1860, settling in San Francisco. They had 10 children. He was a dry goods merchant, and had a business, L. Dinkelspiel & Co. which operated several stores, in San Francisco, Portland and elsewhere.
He died on June 25, 1899 in San Francisco, CA.
Rec’d April 19.
Mr. Reddall
New York April 18, 1850
Hon John W Clayton
Secretary of State
of Washington
Dear Sir
I enclose the following Certificates of Citizenship viz
4422 Charles Frank CR
4423 Michail Reese CR
4424 Louis Tuchner CR
4425 Lazarus Dinkelspiel CR
4426 Charly Moore CR
and will thank you to forward them each a passport for California via Chagres and Panama, to my care
37 William St.
Very respectfully
Your obd’t Svt
FW Macy
Rec’d 25 April
M. Reddall.
New York 24 April 50
Hon Jown W Clayton
Secretary of State
I have the honor to return you herwith the following descriptions of Persons corresponding with insertions or Passports by Louis Tuchner
Mihail Russ
Lazarus Dinkelspiel
Charles Frank
Charles Morre
If a passport has not already been forwarded to Simon Sinsheimer, have the goodness to direct that one may be sent to his or my address at 37 William St., or to the Customhouse through which he applied for it.
Very Respectfully
Your obdt Svt
FW Macy
37 William St.
? returned to Dept of State with copy of insertions in passport
Description of Mr. L. Dinkelspiel
Age: 27 years
Stature 5 Feet 6 1/4 inches, English.
Forehead: High
Mouth: ordinary
Chin: Long
Hair: Black
Complexion: Brown
Face: Oval
Signature: L Dinkelspiel
The above census shows Lazarus Dinkelspiel (age 46), importer of dry goods, living with his wife Pauline (26), sons Henry (7), Samuel (6), Lionel (4), Joseph ( 3) and his daughter Theresa (1). Frieda, Melville and Edgar were not yet born. Emil (17), a clerk in the dry goods store, is a nephew, the son of Meyer Wolf Dinkelspiel and Sophie Loewe. Also living with them are 3 servants, Mary Burns from Ireland, Margaret Tiffany from Massachusetts and Ah Hing from China. See lines 27-37.
Note that Lazarus and Pauline are buried with two of their children, Leon who died at age 13, and Emile who died at age 2. His daughter Frieda Dinkelspiel Silverman is buried here (but her husband Adolph Silverman is buried elsewhere in the same cemetery, with his brothers rather than with his wife – Plot F, Section 4, Lot N/10). Lazarus’s daughter Theresa Dinkelspiel Kalisher is also buried here, with her husband Edward. Lazarus’s son Joseph S. Dinkelspiel, who died unexpectedly in France in 1929, is buried here. And finally, Solomon Marx, the son of Lazarus’s half sister Henriette Zimmern Marx, who died at the age of 26.
Timeline for Lazarus Dinkelspiel
1822, April 17 – born in Michelfeld, Germany
1842 – arrived in US from Havre
1847, Sept 23 – Naturalized, Superior Court, NY
1850 – Traveled to California, via Panama
1860 – married Pauline Hess in San Francisco.
1892 – went to Berlin for a year (on passport application notary public is Adolph L. Sanger, who was a nephew of his father-in-law, Levi Hess)
1899, June 25 – Lazarus died in San Francisco
Transcription of the document:
At the very top, right it says: Jared W Bell, Printer 1 41
Superior Court of the City of New York
In the Matter of Lazarus Dinkelspiel
On his application to become a Citizen of the United States, State of New York, City and County of New York} ss. Lewis Mitchell of New York being duly sworn, doth deposit and say, that he is well acquainted with the above named applicant; that the said applicant has resided in the United States for three years next preceding his arrival at the age of twenty-one years; ;that he has continued to reside therein to the present time; that he has resided five years within the United States, including three years of his minority, without being at any time during the said five years out of the territory of the United States, and that he has resided in the State of New-York one year at least, immediately preceding this application; and, that during that time, he has behaved as a man of good moral character, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the same; and depositor verily believes that for three years next preceding this application, it has been the real and honest intention of the said applicant to become a citizen of the United States.
Sworn in open court, this 23 day of September 1847 } L Mitchell
J Galley? Clerk.
State of New York, City and County of New York]ss. Lazarus Dinkelspiel of New York
The above named applicant being duly sworn, says, that he has arrived at the age of twenty-one years, that he has resided in the United States, three years next preceding his arrival at that age, and that he has continued to reside therein to the present time; that he has resided five years within the United States, including the three years of his minority, without being at any time during the said five years out of the territory of the United States, and that he has resided one year at least, immediately preceding this application, within the State of New-York, and that for three years next preceding this application, it has been his real and honest intention to become a citizen of the United States.
Sworn in open court this 23 day of September 1847
J Oakley? Clerk.
I do declare, on oath, that it is my bona fide intention, and has been for the three years next preceding this application, to become a Citizen of the United States, and to renounce for ever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign Prince, Potentate, State or Sovereignty whatever; and particularly to the Grand Duke of Baden of whom I was before a subject
Sworn in open court this 23rd day of September 1847 } Lazarus Dinkelspiel
I do solemnly swear, that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and that I do absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign Prince, Potentate, State of Sovereignty whatever; and particularly to the Grand Duke of Baden of whom I was before a subject
sworn in open court, this 23rd day of September 1847} Lazarus Dinkelspiel
J Oakeley? Clerk
In this Census Record of June 13, 1860, in the city of San Francisco, on line 17-25, you can see Levi "Louis" Heis, age 48, Male, Clothier, born Hesse-Cassel, wife Ricke "Rachael" 28, born in Baden, Paullin (Pauline) 16, born in Louisiana, Malinda 14, born in Louisiana, Sarah 13, born Louisiana, Matilda, 3 born in California and Benjamin 1, born in California and a servant Christian Hanne 20 born Ireland and Catharine Toy 22 born in Ireland
1870 United States Census
June 17, 1870
2nd Prect 8th Ward, San Francisco, page no. 44
Post Office: 406 Montgomery St.
Dwelling Number: 298; Family Number: 347
Lazarus Dinkelspiel , 46, M, W, Importer of Dry Goods, Real Estate value 25,000; Personal Estate value 40,000, born in Baden, father and mother both of foreign birth; can read & write, male citizen over 21
Pauline Dinkelspiel , 26, F, W, Keeping House, born in Louisiana, both parents of foreign birth, can read & write
Henry Dinkelspiel , 7, M, W, attending school, born in California
Samuel Dinkelspiel , 6, M, W, attending school, born in California, father of foreign birth
Lionel Dinkelspiel , 4, M, W, born in CA
Joseph Dinkelspiel , 3, M, W, born in CA
Theresa Dinkelspiel , F, W , born in CA
Emil Dinkelspiel {nephew of Laz.}, 17, M, W, Dry goods Clerk, born in Baden, both parents of foreign birth
Mary Burns, 28, F, W, Domestic Servant, born in Ireland, both parents of foreign birth
Margaret Tiffany , 24, F, W, Domestic Servant, born in Massachusetts, parents born in US
Ah Hing , 20, M, C, Domestic Servant, born in China, both parents of foreign birth, cannot read or write
Transcription of Above Document:
Application for Passport - Naturalized, Paid, W.Reid Gould, Law Blank PUblisher and Stationer, 168 Nassau St., N.Y.
No. 3346 Issued Oct. 10/77
United States of America
State of New York
County of New York
I, Lazarus Dinkelspiel do swear that I was born in GErmany on or about the 17th day of April 1823 that I am a NATURALIZED AND LOYAL CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES, and about to travel abroad; and further, that I am the Identical Person described in the Certificate of Naturalization, herewith presented.....
Sworn to before me, this ninth day of October 1877, Myer Isaacs? Notary Public
Superior Court New York City, Oct. 9th, 1877
Description of Lazarus Dinkelspiel; 54 years, 5'6", high forehead, grey eyes, aquiline nose, ordinary mouth, round chin, grey hair, fair complextion, face: beard? round?
I Lazarus Dinkelspiel, do solemnly swear that I will support, protect and defend the Constitution and Government of the United Staets against all enemies, whether domestic or foreigh; and that I will bear true faith, allegiance, and loyalty tot he same, any ordinance, resolution or law of any State, Convention or Legislature to the contrary notwithstanding; and further, that I do this with a full determination, pledge and purpose, without any mental reservation or evasion whatsoever; and further, that I will well and faithfully perform all the duties which may be required of me by law. So help me God.
Sworn to before me this ninth day of October 1877, Myer Isaacs, notary public, NYCity, L. Dinkelspiel
Five dollars tax, as imposed by law, will be required in U.S. currency, with each application. When husband, wife, minor children and servants expect to travel together, a single passport for the whole will suffice. For any other person in the party a separate passport will be required. Address Department of State, Passport Bureau, Washington, DC.
Transcription of the above document:
Page No. 16, Supervisor's Dist. No 1; Enumberation Dist. No. 80
San Francisco, CA 4 June 1880
Line 17 713 Post Street, dwelling no. 96, Family No. 130
L. Dinkelspiel, W, M, 57, married, dealer in wholesale dry goods, sick that day, born in Baden, parents born in Baden
Pauline Dinkelspiel, W, F, 35, wife, married, keeping house, born in New Orleans, father in Hesse Darmstat, mother in Bavaria
Henry Dinkelspiel, W, M, 17, son, single, clerk in store, sick that day, born in CA, father in Baden, mother in New Orleans
Samuel Dinkelspiel, W, M, 15, Son, single, at school, born in CA, father in Baden, mother in New Orleans
Joseph Dinkelspiel, W, M, 13, single, son, at school, born in CA, father in Baden, Mother in N.O.
Theresa Dinkelspiel, W, F, 11, daughter, single, at school, born in CA, father in Baden, mother in N.O.
Frieda Dinkelspiel, W, F, 9, daughter, single, born in CA, father in Baden, mother in N.O.
Melville Dinkelspiel, W, M, 7, son, single, born in CA, father in Baden, mother in N.O.
Edgar Dinkelspiel, W, M, 5, son, single, born in CA, father in Baden, mother in N.O.
Rose Kennedy, W, F, 29, Servant, single, sick that day, born in Irelands, parents born in Ireland
Maggie Dunloop, W, F, 24, Servant, single, born in Canada, parents born in Canada, sick that day
Mary Sullivan, W, F, 25, Servant, born in Ireland, parents born in Ireland, sick that day
Ricka Marx, W, F, 20, niece of Lazarus, single, at home, born in Baden, parents born in Baden