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Generic People Profile Template

Johel (Julius) Benioff

Johel (Julius) Benioff was born 15 January, 1904 to Leo (Louis) Benioff and Nettie Camarow and died 23 July, 1905 in Manhattan, New York.

Julius died of entero-colitis, complicated by nephritis. At the time of death, the family was living at 1763 3rd Avenue in Rockaway Park on Long Island. Julius was buried at the Silver Lake Cemetery on 24 July, 1905.

I invite you to send me any stories, memories, letters (even if untranslated), documents and photos concerning Johel (Julius) Benioff and I will add them to this website.

Historical data

Julius Benioff Birth Certificate - 1904
Julius Benioff Birth Certificate - 1904
Julius Benioff Death Certificate 1905 page 1
Julius Benioff Death Certificate 1905 page 1
Julius Benioff Death Certificate 1905 page 2
Julius Benioff Death Certificate 1905 page 2
Julius Benioff - Hebrew burial records HBFA, Silver Lake and Richmond Cemeteries - July 1905
Julius Benioff - Hebrew burial records HBFA, Silver Lake and Richmond Cemeteries - July 1905

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