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Israel Friedman (1873-1938)
Israel Friedman (1873-1938)

Israel Friedman

Israel (Srul) Friedman was born in Kopaigorod now Ukraine) on 1 November 1873 to Ephraim Friedman and Hinda Podgaitz. He was one of 8 surviving children (3 boys, 5 girls). He married Dina Rachel Shulman around 1892 in Kopaigorod. They had 7 surviving children all born in Kopaigorod. He came with his family to Hermosillo, Mexico in the 1920s, then to Los Angeles. He died 20 November 1938. 

He left his descendants an Ethical Will.

From an interview with Ephraim Friedman (Freddy)  5-22-03 – edited by DSF

“Israel, my grandfather, was very quiet, diminutive in physique compared to his wife. Very dignified. Respected by his children, but not feared. In Russia he made soap, in US he worked at the Friedman Bag Company for a short while. Was in Hermosillo, Mexico with family in early 20s after the Russian Revolution and stayed until the mid-20s when they emigrated to the US. He was well read, but not particularly a scholar. He wrote a living will for his children. I did not interact much with him in contrast to my maternal grandparents. Their house was on Boyle St. (Sentinel actually says Bea and Annette 9-19-06), single family stucco, small, nice backyard, impressed me as being exceptionally neat. No car. He spoke English haltingly. Mostly spoke Yiddish. They would lapse into Russian when they wanted the children not to hear. Very proud of their children. Strong family connection, ie family was  big issue among the Friedmans. Loyalties. The writing of letters to family was important although I don’t remember ever receiving any from them.  Regarding the “ethical will” – the flowery language, surprises me because he didn’t act like he had that much emotional thought.

Notes from Sam Friedman, edited by DSF – Israel a little on the shy side, started studying late at the age of 17, woke up and  knew he wasn’t studying enough, got himself together, started to study, in a short time learned everything he missed when younger.

I invite you to send me any stories, memories, letters (even if untranslated), documents and photos concerning Israel Friedman and I will add them to this website.

Historical Data

The document below is a U.S. Department of Labor Manifest which shows Israel Friedman crossing from Mexico into the US. Starting at the top: Port of Nogales, Arizona – which would be Israel’s port of entry – on August 1st 1923. He arrived on foot. Head tax assessed on self. He is listed as “Sroul” Fridman accompanied by his wife Dina Schulmann Fridman, age 53, MALE, occupation – SOAP- MAKER. He can read and write. Language or dialect read is RUSSIAN. Nationality is RUSSIA. Race is HEBREW. Last residence is HERMOSILLO, SONORA, MEXICO. There is a date for 5/21/21 but I am not sure what it says in front of it. Final destination is HARTFORD CONN. Ticket? YES. Passage paid by SELF. Money is $1000.00. Ever in U.S.? NO. Going to join SISTER, whose name is BACI PALATNIK living at 38 Cabot St. Hartford, Conn. Purpose in coming: RESIDE. Whether intend return country whence came after ? temporarily: NO. Length of time intend remain U.S. ? Whether intend become citizen U.S.: NO. Whether previously excluded or deported within one year: NO. Heath: GOOD. Height: 5′ 2″. Complexion: DARK. Hair: GRAY. Eyes: BROWN. Means of Identification: heart? scar back neck. Place of birth: KOPAIGOROD, PODOLIA, RUSSIA. The next page is a similar manifest for Dina, then one for Haika (their daughter Clara) and then one for Gersh. I’m not sure why part of the family was headed to Hartford, Conn. at that time, possibly just a visit. Bassya and Jacob Palatnik lived in Hartford until they moved to Los Angeles around 1931.

Israel and family did return to Mexico.

Israel Friedman Border Crossing in 1923
Israel Friedman Border Crossing in 1923

The manifest below shows SROUL (Israel) FRIEDMAN, age 54, male, SOAP MANFTR., can read and write, race: HEBREW, last resided: NOGALES, ARIZ., future res.: SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, passage paid by SELF, going to join: RELATIVE. Money: $1800. Admitted to: Nogales, Ariz. 2/5/25, Height: 5’3″, complexion: DK, hair: BLK, eyes: BRN, marks: LONG BEARD, place of birth: COPOYGOROD, PODOLIA, RUSSIA, accompanied by: WIFE: DINA FRIEDMAN, DAU: HAIKA FRIEDMAN, SON: GERSH FRIEDMAN, SON: MOISES FRIEDMAN. 

Israel Friedman Manifest - 1925
Israel Friedman Manifest - from Mexico to US in 1925


1873, Nov 1 – Birth in Kopaigorod, Ukraine

1892, (approx.) – Marriage to Dina Rachel Shulman in Kopaigorod

1893, Jan 15 – Birth of Daughter Anya in Chernovitz

1896, Apr 1 – Birth of Son Samuel in Chernovitz

1897, July 1 – Birth of Son Solman Arieh Leib in Kopaigorod

1902, Nov 18 – Birth of Son Shimon Eliah in Kopaigorod

1904, Feb 22 – Birth of Daughter Haika (Clara) in Kopaigorod

1906, Sep 15 – Birth of son Gersh (Harry) in Kopaigorod

1907, Jan 25 – Birth of son Morris in Kopaigorod

1912 (approx.) – Death of his father Ephraim Friedman in Kopaigorod

1913, Aug 8 – Arrival of Sons Sam and Sol in Galveston, Texas

1919 (Aprox) – Marriage of daughter Anya to Itzik Spector of Popovitz.

1920??? – Arrival in Hermosillo, Mexico with family

1923, Aug 1 – Enter US at Nogales, Arizona for possible visit to Hartford, Conn. to see Isaac’s sister Bassya Palatnick.

1924, Dec 10 – Enter US at Nogales, Arizona for visit

1926, Oct 20 – Marriage of son Simon to Anna Kibrick in New York City.

1927, Sep 12 – Marriage of son Solman to Libe Lipson. Rabbi S. M. Neches of 417 N. Soto Street. Witnesses were S. J. Davidson and H. Singer. Sol was living at 218 So. Boyle Ave, 29 years old, from Russia, mother’s maiden name Dina Chulman, name of father Sol Friedman. Libe living at 2728 Cincinnati St., age 22, from Jerusalem, mother’s name Pauline Levy, Father’s name I.J. Lipson. It says birthplace of mother Illinois. (This was because Shmuel Levy got her a fake Chicago birth certificate).

1927, Oct 22 – Enters US at Nogales, Arizona

1930, Apr 3 – US Census – Living at 2325 East 2nd Street Los Angeles, with Dina, Simon, Harry, Morris and Clara – “Freil” and his sons working at Bag Co., Clara working in Hat Shop, says Israel was 23 at first marriage which would mean marriage in 1896 after birth of first two children. They rented their home for $45 a month. Says he couldn’t read or write (other documents say differently). They owned a radio.

1931, Mar 22 – Wedding of son Sam to Ann Licht at Fairmont Hotel. Sol was best man. Roselle Lanfeld was flower girl. Ella Licht was maid of honor. Mrs. J.A. Lanfeld was matron of honor. Bridesmaids: Mildred Schneider, Thelma Feldstein, Marcia Levin and Ura Miller.

1931, Jun 13 – Wedding of son Gersh (Harry) to Fannie Wax in Los Angeles, CA

1933, June 30 – Wedding of son Morris to Fay Miller in Los Angeles, CA.

1935 – Diagnosis of arteriosclerotic heart disease with coronary sclerosis

1936 – Exploratory surgery and biopsy of bladder – Carcinoma diagnosed

1938 Aug 19 – Diagnosis of metastasis to lung, rectum, and liver.

1938, Nov 20 – Death in Los Angeles “Srul” Friedman at 1034 Sentinel, parents listed as Ephraim Friedman and Hinda Podgaess. Died of conditions described above. His physician was Benjamin S. Holcombe at 826 North Soto Street in LA.

1938, Nov – Burial at Home of Peace Cemetery