Isak Jacob Lipson (1880-1942)
Rabbi Isak Jacob Lipson (1880-1942)

Solve the Mystery

Help me find more information.

  1. What was Isak’s relation to the Shalit family in North Dakota?
  2. Apparently, Isak had a half brother or step brother, but I don’t know anymore—can you help?
  3. On his application for naturalization papers, he says that he has 2 cousins in the U.S. army? Who might they be?
  4. It appears that when he went up to Fargo and Grand Fork to visit the Shalit family he had to cross the border into Canada…he did this 3 times. Did the train route from Minneapolis go up into Canada and then back down?
  5. Was he born in Jerusalem? or Sosle (near Vilna in Lithuania? 

Isaac Jacob Lipson

Isak Jacob Lipson (1880-1942) was born Isak Jacob Zasler in or near the town of Žasliai in Lithuania. (ALTERNATIVE SOURCES SAY HE WAS BORN IN JERUSALEM AND THAT HIS FATHER’S FAMILY CAME THERE AS EARLY AS 1840.) He was the youngest of 4 children born to Leib and Beila Kanestin Zasler.

The story was that when his elder brother Elias Lipson came to Ellis Island they asked what his name was and he said “Leib’s son” however, the veracity of that is uncertain. Isak settled in Jerusalem with his wife Peske (Pauline) Levy (probably an arranged marriage – Libe Lipson tells the story in her oral history) and had 4 daughters and one son. He came by himself to the U.S. and settled in Minneapolis (in the Near North Side of the city, the Jewish neighborhood, at one time living right next to the Talmud Torah Hebrew School, at 805 Bassett Place) and found work at Swift where he learned butchering and and subsequently earned money as a kosher butcher in Minneapolis and North Dakota.

During World War I, it was decided that he’d stay in the U.S. so that he wouldn’t get drafted into the Turkish Army. The rest of the family came in May of 1920 and settled first in Minneapolis and finally in Los Angeles (about 1925). In LA he  became a partner in a sausage factory that went bankrupt. He then opened the Kosher Yatke (Butcher Shop) on 2400 block Brooklyn Ave in Boyle Heights. He also worked as a Rabbi at the Houston Street Shul aka Congregation B’nai Israel (the building, built in 1931, is still there at 2446 Houston Street in Norwalk, CA but belongs to a pentacostal church).

He died of heart failure on May 25, 1942. He was buried first in Los Angeles and then moved and reburied in the Mount of Olives Cemetery in Jerusalem.

I invite you to send me any stories, memories, letters (even if untranslated), documents and photos concerning Isaac Jacob Lipson and I will add them to this website.

The Chumash

A Chumash is a Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) in printed and book bound form instead of a scroll. The word comes from the word hamesh which means 5.  This Chumash has been handed down to me from the Lipson family. It is in pretty bad shape, torn, stained and a child has scribbled on it extensively in pencil and pen. Chumash with a commentary of Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azulai [1724-1806], with the prayers printed in the back. It was printed in Vienna in 1857 by Adalbert della Torre

Title page of Chumash belonging to Isak Jacob Zasler (Lipson).
Title page of Chumash belonging to Isak Jacob Zasler (Lipson).
Inscription says: This Chumash belongs to the boy ?Leib - Isaac Jacob Zasler, Jerusalem, date?
Inscription says: This Chumash belongs to the boy ?Leib - Isaac Jacob Zasler, Jerusalem, date?
This says, in Hebrew: "This Chumash belongs to the boy Baruch ? the son of Yehoshua-Zvi Cohen."
This says, in Hebrew: "This Chumash belongs to the boy Baruch ? the son of Yehoshua-Zvi Cohen."

Historical Data

Below is a ship Manifest for Isak Jacob Lipson, pages 1 and 2. Click on the image to bring it up in a lightbox where you can enlarge and look at hte detail. Within this manifest I saw that Isak listed as his uncle a man named Joseph Shalit living in North Dakota. This is a mystery I continue to work on, investigating the Shalit family. They appear to come from the same community in Lithuania as Isak did.  Was he indeed an uncle? or just a friend, acquaintance? I do have a tiny notation in my files that says that Isak had a half brother. Could this be a clue to finding that half brother?  I assume it would be a son of his mother and a second husband as Isak’s father died in 1886.

1914 Ship Manifest p1- Isak Jacob Lipson
1914 Ship Manifest for Isak Jacob Lipson (page 1)(see line 22): age 34, male, married, Rabbi, can read & write, Left US at Noyes, permanent residence is Minneapolis, Minnesota, under nearest friend or relative in U.S. he says none (see second page)
1914 Ship Manifest p2 - Isak Jacob Lipson
1914 Ship Manifest page 2 for Isak Jacob Lipson (see line 22): no ticket, passage paid by self, in possession of $20, was in U.S. before, in 1912 and 1914, in Minneapolis, last time left the US was May 18 1914, name and address of relative or friend he lists Uncle Joseph Shalit at 611 N. 4th St. Mpls, Minn, not a polygamist or anarchist, health good, entered US at Neche, N.D., 5' 6 1/2", Black hair, brown eyes, no scars, from Russia, Wilna, originally landed in N.Y. on Aug? 1912 on the Cinncinati, date of examination April 20
Rabbi Isaac Lipson and the Chickens

Memories of Isak

By Annette Bothman

A very sweet man, he was sought after as a counselor, people lined up to talk to him on Saturday afternoons. He smoked Egyptian Melachrino cigarettes in a blue metal box.

Once when he was davening facing the eastern wall in his dining room, his granddaughter, Annette Friedman, was watching him and when he finished, she asked if he was getting ready for his bar mitzvah and Isak thought that was really funny. He was helping Freddy (Eph Friedman) at the time.  He died before the bar mitvah, (which would have been in early 1943) in May of 1942. So Irving Jacob (Eph’s brother) was named for Izak Jacob. Eva, his daughter, was heartbroken and cried and cried. She thought she was Isak’s favorite as he hid presents for her in his pockets. 

Annette says that her Zeide Lipson (Isak) was very quiet and gentle, serious and sweet. She says Freddy was lucky because he got to study with Isak. On Saturday there would be a line of people outside the door waiting to consult with him, they would tell him their troubles. He smoked Melachrino Egyptian Cigarettes.

He sat at the dining room table and one by one people told him their worries, waited on the porch for their turn.

When he was working in the butcher shop (the Kosher Yatke) he always gave them a nickel when they visited. Because Annette was skinny they weighed her on the big scales when she visited. For years and years she was 72 lbs.  The kids would watch him slaughter the chickens. There was a big walk-in refrigerator with hanging meat.  He would go to the fancy old cash register to get the nickels for ice cream, Curry’s ice cream which specialized in mile high cones.  They didn’t have scoop but it would come out of the round knife. A nickel would get you a Curry’s mile hi cone. Annette and Haike would go into the kitchen where they were slicing the corned beef. They would get a sandwich, but they didn’t want the bread so they would throw it onto the roof and go back for more. 

Annette’s memory of Isak’s death: she remembers driving home with her mom and dad and Bubba Lipson (Peshe) was standing at the curb waiting for them to come home, waving. He had had a heart attack and she didn’t know what to do. He went to the hospital and died there soon afterwards. Annette was in the 7th grade and she says it was really scary. She has an old pin that looks like a torah scroll with a ruby in it. Libe says her dad gave it to her (but Celia claimed it too).

By Ephraim Friedman

Name on Death Certificate: Rabbi Isak Lipson. Buried initially in B’nai Israel Cemetery. Died of Cardiac Decompensation, duodenal ulcer. Last address: 2432 Cincinnati Street, LA, CA. Had lived in US for 28 years. Died in Cedars of Lebanon Hospital. His name was changed at Ellis Island on Immigration because he identified himself as Leib’s son. He had made several fund raising trips to the US probably for Jerusalem Institutions before bringing his family from Palestine (about 1920). Reason for emigration was famine in Israel following the Turkish occupation after the first WW. He was an ordained Rabbi but made his living in Minneapolis as a Kosher butcher. Moved his family to Los Angeles after a few years because of recurrent rheumatic fever of daughter Bella. He continued to be a butcher and was owner of the “Koshere Yatke” in Brooklyn Heights (on Brooklyn Avenue) in East Los Angeles. While it was a very popular enterprise, it was not a great financial success. His wife Peske (Pauline) was active in the business, as was his son-in-law Melach. The latter took over the butcher shop after Isaak Jacob died. He also began practicing as a Rabbi and the leader of the congregation in the local synagogue. He was much respected as a talmudic scholar. He was the original owner of the set of the Talmud which {at the time of this interview} belongs to Ephraim Friedman. It was Isaak Jacob who advised his daughter Libe (Eva) to send Ephraim to New York for continuation of his Jewish Education in 1944.

He was a very dignified, quiet spiritual leader; a man of few words, but great impact.

One of E.F.’s earliest memories was of people lined up on Sunday morning in front of his house for advice.

Life in Israel was very hard. They were very poor; had little food. His children often were employed as housekeepers. They lived in Machneh Yehuda, in Jerusalem. At his request, he was reburied after the second WW on the Mount of Olives. This cemetery was desecrated by Arabs.

He was slightly above average height and weight, full length beard, very interesting eyes, moved slowly, and spoke quietly. He smoked Egyptian cigarettes and gave Ephraim the empty boxes. The smoking is alleged to have been the cause of his duodenal ulcer. He never owned a car. His major recreation was renovation of his succah. Whenever his wife became too shrewish he would disappear into his succah.


These timelines are a research tool for me to work out the mysteries and details of an individual’s life, but there are lots of interesting details for you to explore. If you would like to view images more closely, click on the image and use the magnifying glass icon to zoom into the document.

Timeline for Isak Jacob Lipson

1880, Aug 6 – Birth of Isak Jacob Lipson in Zaslai (Sosle) near Wilno in Lithuania.

1886 – death of Isak’s father in Jerusalem (source is Libe Lipson’s oral memoir)

1900? – Marriage to Peske Levy in Jerusalem

1902 – Birth of daughter Celia Lipson (1901-1991)

1905 – Birth of daughter Libe (Eva) Lipson (1905-1977)

1906 – Death of Isak’s mother Beila (guessed due to naming of daughter Bella)

1906 – Birth of daughter Bella Lipson (1906-1963)

1909 – Birth of son Leib (Leo) Nathan Lipson (1909-1990)

1911 (not sure this is Isak) Passenger List “Finland antwerp to NY March 25 1911, Mr. Isac Lipson

1912 Hamburg Passenger List: Isak Lipson, from Jerusalem, 33 years, occupation: setzer, married

1912 NY Passenger List: Isak Lipson, SS Cincinnati, Bro Alex at 1760 Prospect Pl, Brooklyn (detained aliens)

1913 Border Crossing: Isak Lipson, friend Rabbi J. Papermaster, 676 4th, Grand Forks, ND, from Sosle, Wilna, 8/14/12 “Cinncinati”, from Jerusalem, wife Peshe

1914 Border Crossing: Isak Jacob Lipson, at Neche, ND, b Wilna, Uncle Joseph Shalit

1915 Border Crossing: Isak Jacob Lipson, at Neche, ND to 611 N 4th st, Minneapolis?, Uncle Joseph Shalit

1917 WWI Draft: Isak Jacob Lipson

1917 City Directory, Rev Isaac Lipson, 616 Fremont av, Minneapolis, MN

1918 WWI Draft: Isak Jacob Lipson, 512 Emerson No, Mpls, MN, age 39, dob, Aug 6th 1880, alien, subject of Russia, Rabbi, Hebrew Church, 896 Gerard ave. NO. Mpls, MN, Mrs. Pesha Lipson (wife)

1918 Alien Registration, Minnesota: Isak Jacob Lipson

1918 City Directory, Rev Isaac Lipson, 512 Emerson Av, Minneapolis, MN

1919 City Directory St. Paul, MN, Isaac J Lipson, meat cutter, 216 13th St.

1919 Minnesota Naturalization, 13 Dec 1919, Isak Jacob Lipson, became citizen, 512 Emerson Ave, NO, Minister, b 6 Aug 1879, Vilno Russia, emigrated to US from Hamburn, on 2 Aug 1912, arrived 14 Aug 1912, on the Cincinnati, wife Pese, born 9th June 1880 at Darhichin, Russia and now resides at Jerusalem, children, Sime, Nov 9 1903, Libe July 20 1905, Bayle Jan 12 1906, Nathan Mar 6, 1910, Zive Jan 12 1912 all born in Jerusalem. Witnesses Jacob Pall, butcher at 902 Emerson Ave. N and Israel N. Lowenthal, rabbi at 512 Emerson Ave N.

1920, May – Peshe Levy Lipson and the 5 children travel from Jerusalem to NY, met by R.Shmuel Levy, then travel by train to Minneapolis

1921 City Directory, Rev Isaac Lipson, 805 Bassett Pl, Minneapolis, MN

1922 City Directory, Rev Isaac Lipson, rabbi, 805 Bassett Pl, Minneapolis, MN

1925 Marriage License County of Los Angeles: Edward Levy, 26, of Turkey, Celia L. Lipson, of Turkey, 24, on 22 Nov 1925 in LA, witness Rabbi A. Edelson 2511 Cincinnati ST. and Lasar Deutsch 2708 Cincinnati, wedding conducted by Rabbi Isak Jacob Lipson; Edward Levy 419 N. Soto St. LA, upholsterer, f. Solomon Levy of Turkey and Yasha GAllcomb of Austria, to Celia L. Lipson 2729 Cincinnati St. LA, dressmaker, f. Isak J. Lipson of Turkey and m. Pauline Levy of Illinois.

1926 City Directory Minneapolis: Rev Isaac J Lipson, rabbi, Gamilais Chessed Synagogue r 867 Irving av N

1927 Marr License: Solman Friedman of Russia and Libe Lipson of Palestine, Sept 12, 1927, witness S. J. Davidson (712 Cornwell St.) and H. Singer, Rabbi S.M. Neches, Solman, 29 years, 218 So. Boyle Ave LA, dry goods merchant, f. Sol Friedman (must be a mistake as it should say Israel), m. Dina Chulman, both of Russia, and Libe Lipson 2728 Cincinnati St. LA, 22 years, of Jerusalem, Clerk, f. I.J. Lipson of Russia and Pauline Levy of Ill.

1930 Fed Census: Issac J Lipson, Los Angeles, CA, 2523 Fairmount St. (Pauline, Bella, Sylvia), birthplace Palestine, Pauline birthplace Illinois, Sylvia & Bella- Palestine

1930 CA Voter Reg: Isak Lipson, 2523 Fairmount St., Los Angeles, CA, butcher

1930 City Directory, Isaac Lipson, 2430 Bklyn av, LA, CA

1934 CA Voter Reg: Isak Jacob Lipson, 2523 Fairmount St., Los Angeles, CA

1934 Cert of Marr. Herzel Fraidlin of Russia 28 years, residing in LA and Bella Lipson 26 years of Palestine, residing CA, 17 June 1934, witness: Lazar Deutsch of LA and C Levy of LA, Isak performed ceremony

1934 Marr License: Leon Nathan Lipson of Palestine to Bertha Salter of Canada, 23 Dec 1934, Isak performed ceremony, witness Alexander Gratz 2517 Fairmount St. and Lazar Deutch of 2521 Fairmont, Leon Nathan Lipson, b. Jerusalem, traffic mgr wholesale grocery, f. Isaak Lipson of Jerusalem and Pauline Levy of Chcago Ill. and Bertha Salter of 2619 Gleason Av. LA, insuance underwriter, Frank Salter and Rachel Fiskin both of Russia.

1937 City Directory: Isaac Lipson, meats, (Pauline), 2421 Bklyn av h 2523 Fairmount, LA, CA

1937 SS Applications and Claims: Isak Jacob Lipson, f. Leon Lipson, m. Bella Kanestin

1938 CA Voter Reg: Isak Lipson, Rabbi, 2432 Cincinnati St.

1938 City Directory, Isaac J Lipson, 2421 Brklyn av, h 2523 Fairmount, LA, CA

1939- Cert of Marriage: Sylvia Lipson and Peter Toben, June 30, Pater Toben , 453 S. Soto LA, 35, single, 1st marriage, born Russia, .D. f.Sam Toben b Russia m. Ida Kosdofska b. Russia; Sylvia Lipson, 2432 Cincinnati St., LA, 26, 1st marriage, b. Palestine, Stenographer, f. Isak Jacob lipson b. Palestine & Pauline Levy born America (U.S.A.), witness is Alexander Gratz of 2517 Fiarmont St., Isak performed ceremony

1940- Fed Census: Issac Lipson, 2432 Cincinnati St, Los Angeles, CA (Pauline)-proprietor, butcher, meat market

1940 CA Voter Reg: Isak Lipson, rabbi, 2432 Cincinnati St., LA, CA

1942 WWII Draft: Isak Lipson2432 Cincinnati St, LA, CA, wife Pauline Lipson 2432 Cincinnati, 2421 Brooklyn Ave, LA, CA, age 63, place of birth Wilna, dob Aug 6, 1879, at top it says canceled, died 5/25/42

1942 CA Death Index: Isak Lipson….father: Leib Zasler, 25 May, Los Angeles

1942 SS Applications & Claims; Isak Jacob Lipson, b 6 Aug 1881, Willnom Soviet Union, f. Leon Lipson, m. Bella Kanestin, SSN 568165333

1942 Find A Grave: Yitzchak Lipson, b. unk d. 1942, Mount of Olives Cemetery, Jerusalem

Please contact me if you have a quote from or about Isak