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Life in Hermosillo

In Hermosillo. The Friedmans and the Barskys
In Hermosillo. The Friedmans and the Barskys

The origin of the Friedman Bag Company was in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.

How they got to Hermosillo

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Historical Data

Leaving hermosillo - US or Israel

Letter to Harry Friedman in Hermosillo, October 1923, from the Zionist Management in Land of Israel - page 1
Letter to Harry Friedman in Hermosillo, October 1923, from the Zionist Management in Land of Israel - page 1
Letter to Harry Friedman in Hermosillo, October 1923, from the Zionist Management in Land of Israel - page 2
Letter to Harry Friedman in Hermosillo, October 1923, from the Zionist Management in Land of Israel - page 2

Translation of the Yiddish Letter above:

The Zionist Management  in the Land of Israel

Telegraph Destination; ZIONICOM

Department of Commerce and Industry

No. 1086/744/b

Jerusalem, in the Month of Chesban, in the Year Tuff Raish Pay” Dalid

22.10. 23

Mr. Harry L. Friedman


Honorable Sir,

The Zionist Organization in America has sent us a copy of your letter, in which we have the honor to give you a concise answer.

(1). With capital of 20,000 dollars one can build a whole row of industries, and those that are indicated below are the most important and secure ones.

a) Fruit and vegetable conserve [?] – one can establish a new enterprise or participate in an existing one.
b) Calcium plant with crude oil [petroleum] betreeb [not Yiddish].
c) Conserving de-boned sardines from the Sea of Kinneret
d) Manufacturing roof tar, drainage, bricks, teff [there is no such word as teff but tephach means carpets in Yiddish] etc. in Haifa
e) Woven goods from spun wool and half-woolen wares [halbvull varen] for hbdashtileh [?]

1)Manufacturing of gifs [?] in Haifa.

It is self-evident that I accept that you have 20,000 Amerikanish dollars, which is now the equivalent of 4415 English pound sterling. If you mean Mexican dollars this comes 2081 pound sterling.

2) As we’ve figured out, with 20,000 dollars one can open up a whole lot. It is self-evident that with 20-40 thousand dollars one can make even more.

3) The sum of 20,000 dollars is in my estimation not enough for a clothing factory. A shirt manufacture, which still doesn’t exist in the land, can be established with this sum of money.

4) 20,000 is enough to open up a soap factory and

p. 2

a medium sized misshtab [?], but I would not advise you to do this because the competition is great – there are many people involved in this endeavor.

If you should decide to choose one of these enumerated industries and to settle down here, please write to me ASAP when you’re deciding to come.

Hoikhachtingsfil [?]

Nakhum Tishby

Secretary of Commerce and Industry



Coming soon…

Timeline of Hermosillo

Coming soon...

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