Historical events, institutions & places

In this section of the website I am taking a deeper dive into the involvement of our families in historical events, institutions and places.  More will be added in the future. If you have ideas of things we should research, or spend more time on, please contact me.


In my genealogical research, I uncovered to my dismay, the fact that my ancestors were indeed slave holders; something I had never imagined. Some of my cousins and I have begun investigations into this part of our history which is so important to pass on to future generations.
Times-Picayune-New Orleans, Oct 1848.
Ad in the Times-Picayune newspaper of New Orleans, October of 1848. The first public sign of Malvina came in 1849 when Abraham Hess placed an ad. It read, “$10. Strayed from the premises of the subscriber, the negro girl MALVINA, dark complexion, 2 years old. A. Hess. 237 Burgundy st.”
Friedman Bag Company abt 1927
Friedman Bag Company abt 1927

Friedman Bag Company

The Friedman brothers started the Friedman Bag Company in Los Angeles in the 1920’s. In this way, our families’ history integrates with that of early history of Los Angeles.


The Galveston Plan operated between 1907 and 1914 to assist Jews emigrating from Russia and Eastern Europe, steering them to the west rather than Ellis Island or other eastern ports.
To Jerusalem by Way of American Farms
To Jerusalem by Way of American Farms: The Big Scheme of Which the Recent Landing of Russian Jews at Galveston Is a Part — by C.H. Abbott
In Hermosillo. back row: Sol Friedman, John Barsky, Jerry Saltzman, and Louis Saltzman, far right Sam Friedman; middle is Sonia Barsky holding her son Bernard, daughter Charna is standing in front of John, white collar is Vanja Lieberman Saltzman
back row: Sol Friedman, John Barsky, Jerry Saltzman, and Louis Saltzman, far right Sam Friedman; middle is Sonia Barsky holding her son Bernard, daughter Charna is standing in front of John, white collar is Vanja Lieberman Saltzman


After about seven years in San Francisco, Sam and Sol Friedman moved to Hermosillo around 1920 and established a soap factory and other businesses along with the Barskys (friends from the Kopaigorod area) and other family members including the Kibricks. The rest of the Friedman clan came to Hermosillo over land (not train), after arriving in Vera Cruz in southern Mexico (a journey of approx. 1400 miles).


The SS Chemnitz (which carried Sol and Sam Friedman to Galveston in 1914) was a steamship of Norddeutscher Lloyd, a German shipping company that operated from 1857 until 1970. The Chemnitz was built in 1898 by the AG Weser shipyard in Bremen, Germany, and was launched in January of that year. It was named after the city of Chemnitz in Saxony, Germany.
S.S. Chemnitz - Steamship that carried Sol and Sam Friedman to the U.S. in 1913
S.S. Chemnitz - Steamship that carried Sol and Sam Friedman to the U.S. in 1913
Wedding of Sol Friedman and Libe Lipson - 18 Sep, 1927 - Los Angeles
Wedding of Sol Friedman and Libe Lipson - 18 Sep, 1927 - Los Angeles


A gallery of family wedding photos.


The creative energy behind this sundial building in Jerusalem, was American immigrant Rabbi Shmuel Levi. He raised the funds in the United States, traveling back and forth between Chicago and Jerusalem several times,  and had the guest house and synagogue constructed in 1908-1917. Over the years it grew from three to five stories. Shmuel Levi commissioned the rabbi Moshe Shapiro, of Mea She’arim to construct the huge sundial.
Reb Shmuel Levy Sundial House in Jerusalem
Reb Shmuel Levy Sundial House in Jerusalem. Located on Jaffa Road in Jerusalem in the Mahane Yehuda area. Also known as the Sundial Building and was constructed by Rabbi Shmuel Levy from 1908-1917. It was damaged by fire in 1941 and partly restored in 1980 and there is currently further restoration in progress.