
The story goes that the name Lipson came from the fact that Isak and Alec described themselves as “Leib’s Son.”
The original name was Zasler or Zesler. The family came from Zaslai in Lithuania. Arieh Leib Zasler (about 1850-1886) had four children that we know of: my great-grandfather Isak Jacob Lipson (1880-1942), Elias Lipson (1877-1942), Ida Lipson Zoberg (1875-1937), and Zlatha Lipson Cohen (1861-1943). The family travelled from Zaslai to Jerusalem. Isak Jacob came to the United States to raise money for (?) and brought his family over later. They settled in Minneapolis and then Los Angeles.
Read More About the Lipson Family
Click on each post below to find more information about the individual in each photo. You may find information such as a family tree, timeline, historical documents, letters, or more photos.
These timelines are a research tool for me to work out the mysteries and details of an individual’s life, but there are lots of interesting details for you to explore. In this timeline I am putting the lives of all 4 known Lipson siblings (children of Leib Zasler) on to one timeline. Click the title of each item to popup more information and photos.