Bella Lipson Fraidlin (1906-1963)
Bella Lipson Fraidlin (1906-1963)

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Bella Lipson Fraidlin

Bella Lipson was the daughter of Isak Jacob Lipson and Peshe Levy. She was born in Jerusalem in 1906 and had 3 sisters (Libe, Celia and Tsivia) and one brother (Leo).

Bella came to the US with her mother and siblings in 1920 (her father Isak was already there, working as a rabbi and a kosher butcher). She proved to be an excellent student and graduated from North High School in Minneapolis as valedictorian. After moving to Los Angeles around 1925, she attended the University of California, Los Angeles between 1926 and 1930.

She married Herzel Fraidlin, on June 23, 1934, and settled with him, in Kfar Saba, Israel, where she had three children. Ephraim Friedman (Freddy) remembered his Aunt Bella with much fondness. She took him to the public library in LA. He wrote her numerous letters.

She was named after her grandmother (Isak’s mother) Beila Kansterin of Lithuania, or perhaps her great grandmother, Bela Eisenstein. 

She died Feb 4, 1963 in Kfar Saba. 

I invite you to send me any stories, memories, letters (even if untranslated), documents and photos concerning Bella Lipson Fraidlin and I will add them to this website.

Historical data

Bella Lipson Marriage Certificate
Bella Lipson Marriage Certificate
Bella Lipson wins the Minneapolis Journal Prize - 1924
Bella Lipson wins the Minneapolis Journal Prize - 1924
Bella Lipson Marriage Certificate
Bella Lipson Marriage Certificate - page 2
Bella Lipson - Year Book Entry
Bella Lipson - Year Book Entry
Bella and Herzel Fraidlin traveling to Liverpool on the Logonia/ Cunard in 1934
Bella and Herzel Fraidlin traveling to Liverpool on the Logonia/ Cunard in 1934


Bella’s Letter From Jerusalem – March 13, 1948

Bomb Plot Against Jewish Agency Palestine Post, 12 March 1948
Bomb Plot Against Jewish Agency Palestine Post, 12 March 1948
"Bomb Plot Against Jewish Agency" Article in Palestine Post, March 12, 1948
"Bomb Plot Against Jewish Agency" Article in Palestine Post, March 12, 1948
12 Die in Jerusalem - 1948
12 Die in Jerusalem - 1948
Letter from Bella Lipson Fraidlin to Sylvia and Peter Toben on March 13, 1948
Letter from Bella Lipson Fraidlin to Sylvia and Peter Toben on March 13, 1948
Letter from Bella Lipson Fraidlin to Sylvia and Peter Toben on March 13, 1948 - side 2
Letter from Bella Lipson Fraidlin to Sylvia and Peter Toben on March 13, 1948 - side 2


Letter to her sister Eva

Letter from Bella Lipson Fraidlin to her sister Eva (Libe) Lipson Friedman and Family - October 25, 1953
Letter from Bella Lipson Fraidlin to her sister Eva (Libe) Lipson Friedman and Family - October 25, 1953
Letter from Bella Lipson Fraidlin to her sister Eva (Libe) Lipson Friedman and Family - October 25, 1953_page 2
Letter from Bella Lipson Fraidlin to her sister Eva (Libe) Lipson Friedman and Family - October 25, 1953_page 2
Ephraim Friedman at Yeshiva
Bella's Nephew Ephraim (Freddie) Friedman

Oral Histories

Oral histories that mention Bella Lipson Fraidlin can be found on the pages of two of her sisters: Libe Lipson Friedman and Celia Lipson Levy.

I have a pile of several letters I should reply to. Since we got the telegram about grandma’s death I haven’t written to anybody except your mother. I did not have the heart to sit and write letters. All seemed so unimportant. Life lost its value and meaning. Of course I am slowly recovering, and with time surely the pain will subside. We got a telegram today saying the coffin will be here in a couple of days. It’s very sad that grandma did not return here before she died, which she desired so much, and I’m sad that I did not see her again.
From Bella's letter to Ephraim Friedman - 2 Nov, 1952