Alice Pauline Silverman (1897-1988)
Alice Pauline Silverman Benioff (1897-1988)

Alice Pauline Silverman Benioff

Alice, my maternal grandmother and the daughter of Adolf Silverman and Frieda Dinkelspiel, was born in San Francisco on October 13, 1897 (d. January 16, 1988 in Berkeley). Her older brother Harold Silverman was born in 1895.

Alice attended first the Pacific Heights school, then the Miss Murison School, in San Francisco, and was taught by its principal, Miss Elizabeth L. Murison. She studied at U.C. Berkeley, taking classes in philosophy, English literature, ethics, history, hygiene, biology, German, classics, critical writing and many more. She graduated with a B.A. with highest honors in English in 1918 and an M.A. and teaching credentials in 1919. She did additional graduate work in comparative literature and philosophy at Columbia and in comparative literature at the Sorbonne. She taught English in Southern California.

In her diaries she had expressed some ambivalence about marriage:

“I spoke with Miss Murison for a few minutes. She seemed glad to see me and was very kind. She told me that she had spoken to Aunt Beatrice and told her that now that Sophie was married, Aunt Beatrice should marry me off to the best man in San Francisco. It sounded ridiculous and I wanted to ask if there were any objection to Berkeley, but I know it was meant for my good for Miss Murison added tenderly, ‘for you must get married Alice’. I don’t like to hear talk however about being married off. It sounds like an auction.”

— October 25, 1917

However, Alice met Hugo Benioff at the Mt. Wilson observatory in 1923, and after five years of writing to each other, married March 2, 1928 and settled in Pasadena, CA where they had three children.

Hugo and Alice were divorced in 1953, and she moved to Berkeley, CA. She kept a diary for much of her childhood, was a poet, prolific reader and traveler, and had a radio program about poetry. She lived a quiet life in the North Berkeley hills, on Highgate road, with her two standard poodles, Solo and Suzette and her care giver.

Alice died, at the age of 90, on January 16, 1988. 

I invite you to send me any stories, memories, letters (even if untranslated), documents and photos concerning Alice Pauline Silverman Benioff and I will add them to this website.


Alice’s Curriculum Vitae, 1954

In 1954, after her divorce (21 October, 1953) from Hugo, Alice went about finding work as an English teacher. These letters lay out her curriculum vitae.

Alice Silverman CV_1954
Alice Silverman CV_1954
Alice Silverman Benioff CV in 1954
Alice Silverman Benioff CV in 1954



Historical Data


Alice Silverman - Graduation from Elizabeth Murison School - 1915
Alice Silverman - Graduation from Elizabeth Murison School - 1915
Alice Silverman - BA degree from UC Berkeley in 1918
Alice Silverman - BA degree from UC Berkeley in 1918
Alice Silverman - Masters Degree in English from UC Berkeley in 1919
Alice Silverman - Masters Degree in English from UC Berkeley in 1919

Birth Record


Alice Silverman Birth Record_1924
Alice Silverman Birth Record_1924
The San Francisco City Hall after 1906 Earthquake. Nearly all city records were destroyed.
The San Francisco City Hall after 1906 Earthquake. Nearly all city records were destroyed. Photo from:

In the 1906 Earthquake and Fire that devastated San Francisco, the San Francisco City Hall lost most of its vital records. Alice’s birth certificate was lost in that fire. In late 1924, when she was in Europe, she requested a copy of her birth record and this is what they sent her.



Alice and Hugo Wedding Announcement -1927
Alice and Hugo Wedding Announcement -1927
Alice and Hugo - certificate of marriage - 1927
Alice and Hugo - certificate of marriage - 1927

Year-Long Trip to Europe 1924

SS Cleveland - ship that Alice and Edith traveled on to Europe in 1924
SS Cleveland - ship that Alice and Edith traveled on to Europe in 1924
Alice Silverman 1924 Passport
Alice Silverman 1924 Passport
Edith & Alice aboard the S.S. Cleveland
Edith Thomas & Alice Pauline Silverman aboard the S.S. Cleveland in 1924
Alice Silverman's Identity Card in France - 1924 p1
Alice Silverman's Identity Card in France - 1924 p1
Alice Silverman's Identity Card in France - 1924 p2
Alice Silverman's Identity Card in France - 1924 p2

Identity Card Transcription

Ship Manifest for Alice Silverman returning from Europe on the SS Homeric into NY - 1925
Ship Manifest for Alice Silverman returning from Europe on the SS Homeric into NY - 1925

Ship Manifest 1925



Mother grew gradually worse all day Saturday. I was down there all day and stayed all night. I saw Mother several times and called her loudly to see if I could wake her from the stupor. Only her eyelids quivered. She died at about half-past one this morning, absolutely quietly (so I have been told, for they did not call me. I saw her about three hours before and stroked her face and kissed her.) I saw her a short time afterwards and down at the undertakers again later and cut off a piece of her hair. I have her locket. The body is here now in the parlor. Everybody has been so kind. Sophie was here this morning and was dear. I broke the news to some people over the phone. Eleanor was one. She came this evening with Monica and was dear. She put her arms around me and kissed me. Monica was kind too. The whole Frink family was here earlier in the evening and were so kind. Lucy as dear. She said that Miss Murison had said something about me having a wonderful character and that I was an example to them all, even to her. I wish I deserved her praise. I don’t really. She was here this evening and I was out at Miss Pirmer’s house. I wish I could have seen her. Papa is trying to keep up as best he can.
Excerpt from Alice Silverman's Diary - December 19, 1914