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back l to r: Simon & Solman Friedman, Dina Shulman, Israel, Sam & Harry Friedman; front: David Gologorsky, Polya Friedman, child?, Anya Friedman, Izak Spector, child?, Clara Friedman, Morris Friedman - kids may be Leah & Avram Spector- in Mexico
back l to r: Simon & Solman Friedman, Dina Shulman, Israel, Sam & Harry Friedman; front: David Gologorsky, Polya Friedman, child?, Anya Friedman, Izak Spector, child?, Clara Friedman, Morris Friedman - kids may be Leah & Avram Spector- in Mexico

Family tree research done by Ms. Lipes in the Ukraine.

Sol and Sam

Sol and Sam Friedman came from Kopaigorod in western Ukraine by boat in 1913(?). I think Sol was 13, and Sam was 15. They landed in Galveston, Texas. They traveled with the Kibrick boys from their town, took a train to San Francisco, and started a business repairing burlap bags. In a few years, they had moved to Hermosillo, Mexico where they lived until (year?), waiting to get Visas for the entire family. Eventually, the Friedmans settled in Los Angeles and started the Friedman Bag Company.

Detailed Kopaigorod Map
Detailed Kopaigorod Map


Kopaigorod, Ukraine
Map of Kopaigorod and Environs
Hermosillo: where the Friedmans lived from about 1918 to 1926.