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Sam Friedman (1897-1979)
Samuel Friedman (1897-1979)

A Poem That Sam Loved

Bialik Poem

I found this poem, (pretty dark) by Hayim Nahman Bialik, copied out in Yiddish onto the letterhead of a San Francisco Furniture Co., by Shmuel Friedman on November 30, 1914, a year or so after he and Sol arrived in the US. I presume that it was an important poem to Sam.  He kept it among all the hundreds of Yiddish letters that he saved.

Click on each page to enlarge.

Ch.N. Bialik
Sh. Friedman
November the 30th 1914
Translated from Yiddish by Ken Blady


I have been sent to you by God
He saw that you are becoming __
He saw that you are sloven and fallen [foilt un fahlt]
You are getting older from day to day

The hand has oopgeluzt [desisted, relinquished]
And the strength [power] has been oisgeluzt [depleted, exhausted]
And God reminded himself of you
And he brought me to you

And thus did God say to me:
Too difficult the burden – I can’t anymore!…
Go, rip from their heart because [?] “__“
Shoot out from their eyes a tear!

And may the tear be heavy and bitter
And may the last sigh be heaved loudly
So that the earth will shutter
And shake off of itself the evil.

I obeyed and I went
My path was strewn with stones
But one sensation [gefeehl] and one request
Was partly blissful in my bones


I felt that you were among snakes
And with you, by you, there is no one, no one…
I was driven by your pain
I thought that help was urgent

I have been punished by God with a heart
I have a heart that grieves for others
Who writhes from others’ pain
And who burns in the other’s hell…

I heard that it is difficult for you
So I thought you feel and know
And you become quiet as you are choking on your tear [singular]
As you search for help and you beg for consolation

And precious are these moments…
I am going, I am looking, I want to heal wounds
With you as one I will blossom
When necessary I want to bond

And where it’s necessary I want to lick up
The blood that is gushing [?trievt] from your wound
I want to console, beg, cry, awaken
I won’t let anything go aground!

I am going, I am coming, I carry a comfort
I am carrying a message of joy


I have have been graced by God with spirit
I will present you with my soul…
God has dirtied me with mud [if the word is bluteh]
Which rips up mountains and is never fatigued

And God sent me a __
A sharp one, like a sharp blade
If you are stone, it is to convince [einvyzen]
If you are convinced [vyzen], it is steel

I am coming [if the word is kuk and not kum it means “I am looking”], and I just want to reveal myself
And you will suddenly rise up…
Now I am standing under your door
And my voice is paralyzed [oopgenimn]

A difficult night is hanging over me
My face, my light, has been extinguished
I encountered mockery and disgrace
You have slammed the door shut on me

And God’s hand was repulsed
And God’s word is laughed at…
So I crawled in the dirt to you
And all the clothes __ [einerikht?]

I broke my hands for you [or, With my hands I broke for you]


And help from you, I looked for you…
But no one came to the assistance, no one
And I am “cryer, cryer, cryer”
My prayers were heard by the wall [or, Only the wall heard my prayers]

You have shut the door for me
And God’s hand was repulsed!
And God’s word is laughed at!
But you should know, you the unfortunate ones, know –

I will no more console for you…
I have a word, a terrible word
Which will lift you from the spot
Which will make the light turn black for you

Which will poison your heart
And your mouth will poison the morsels
A bitter meal for you this bread
This life will disgust you

And won’t permit you to die…
The word joy does not exist in your vocabulary
I have already burned my soul
I have torn off [severed] my bond with you

Broken, my bed lies in the ground


I want to pour out my gallbladder to you
And I will spit on you with blood
And God said to me thusly:
For the last time scream out  an “OY!”

And give a sigh for the last time
So that mountain and valley will tremble
And with a bilious voice say:
Listen, deaf one, listen. The day is coming

I am releasing a sun of righteousness
And I will splash the world with radiance
But you yourselves will remain chattel
And you will not benefit from one drop of light

As a blind man has with sons and daughters
And you will be banging on strangers’ doors
With your face to the ground you will collapse
And in strange springs [kvalln –wells] you will be kneeing

And your thirsty throat will be stretched out
And you will be begging I am fainting — a drop…
But you will encounter only mockery
All the sources [springs] will be closed to you


I am sending down a wild spirit
Which freshens like dew from God and shows
A new path to new heavens
But you will be dry like straw

I don’t want the dew to fall upon you
__? You will always be sluggish and grow moldy
And if something has been left from before
A spark of spiritual feeling and believing

An earnest sighing, a hot tear
I will reverence this on an individual basis
And your heart will remain empty [vacuous]
Without zest, without spirit, without body and soul

And your  __ [tzelt?] will be wasted
And you will have to shlep around
Like strangers in a strange land
And beg from the rich man’s table

And always end up at strangers’ doorsteps
So that your wounds will be exposed
And strangers will __
And stretch out a quivering hand


And ask for alms in the parlance of beggars
But you will be begging for money
And you’ll be living off a groshn [penny]
And your life will be bitter

A long night and not one star…
And your __ the wind will blow away
And God refuses to hear your voice
And your needs will be terrible

How great and terrible is the sin
How you will die a suffocating death
And you won’t be pining [hankering] again for life
But God won’t __ the two of you

And the pain will be excruciating
Even your own heart
Will not permit your own mouth…
You will __ higher and higher

You will take a breath and you won’t be able to
This is a grave, but buried
You will be living zombies there


This is a fiery hell
Which in the end will never have
But it is a hell without death
And God says __

Now I’m going down
To the __ __ house and I buy a pot
__ __ throw and I say thereby
Strong and loud so that everyone can hear!

This is how you will be broken down!
And don’t speak anymore, don’t cry, and don’t scream
The head is __ and becoming silent
The day is coming, it is coming…